Essex Vermin Control
Protecting Crops and Livestock
Having problems with Deer, Foxes, Rabbits, Wood pigeons, ? Then you've found the team to help solve all your Vermin problems. With over 110 years of combined experience in the field, we carry out our work in an organised and professional manner working day and night. We cover the entire County of Essex and East London.
Do you have Foxes or Rabbits in your garden causing problems, digging hole or fouling the ground well contact us and we will advise you on the methods we use. As fox control is one of the biggest aspects of our work.
Is your Golf course overrun with Rabbits, are the Crows digging up the greens? We can advise you on our different forms of vermin control.
Farmers are you having problems, as we have a large number Deer,Rabbits and Pigeons around at this time of the year, all feeding very heavy on crops, even with the use of gas guns and other equipment it still may not be enough to keep them off your crops. So if your farm or land is incurring agricultural or woodland damage which is costing you money. Contact us and we will help to control your problem and minimise your loss.
Health and Safety is always our first consideration as we carry out all our activities in a safe and responsible manner. Any personnel dealing with deer management have a minimum Qualification of DSC level 1.
©all content and pictures Essex Vermin Control